ORITE GUYS! Me and grace had so much fun omg lol, what kids we are! So, finally! The fruits of my labour! My Camera! My very own Nikon D3200! Amaze. Brill. So haps, genuinely. It's even better than I imagined. My new baby (soz Flick ;) haha) This was mine and Graces snowy ride, cuteness. Bobby as you can see, LOVES the snow. He just wants to roll in it. Don't ask me why, he just does lol. Flicker just wants to dust it around with his muzzle and find food, little scavenger haha. Me in the red jacket - as per usual! TRADEMARK. Grace with the navy jacket/green jumper on genuinely happy with how this came out, although was hoping to get more clips, but it looks like it won't be snowing again now so I doubt it. It's icing over in Essex now unfortunately, so meh. Never mind. Used a snowy kinda colouring for this, so the red really stands out which is goooood cos red's my faveee colour atm! haha :) Cute clips, cute song. Cute. cool guys, i'm out! hol & flicker xxx Длительность: 1:42
Didn't have too much footage to work with, hoping for better results for January. But here's what we got from December, hope you enjoy! Filmed with Nikon D3200 Длительность: 3:39
Endeavor Productions: Jade Wales www.facebook.com This one is for every girl who has ever been hurt, trampled on, used and rejected. Please, Dear, hold on to the Lord. Mathew 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" We all have the 99 pieces of the puzzle. But one piece is missing; the middle piece; the piece that completes our beautiful life. We all don't mind trying new things. We hop from faze to faze, club to pub, girl to boy; all in search for relevance and identity and purpose to this life. We will try anything - but one thing. One thing is missing in our lives; this God shaped vaccume of space inside of each and every one of our hearts. We can't escape the unavoidable fact that life is ultimately valueless without the existence of God. "Seek and you WILL find" - Mathew 7:7 Music video produced by Endeavor Productions (I found Love) written by Jade Wales be sure to visit: www.facebook.com Endeavor Productions Jade Wales This video was edited on Sony Vagas pro 11 camera used: Nikon D3200 with Rode video mic Длительность: 2:59
Мощная и одновременно чрезвычайно удобная зеркальная фотокамера формата DX. КМОП-матрица с разрешением 24,2 мегапикселя, режим справки, система EXPEED 3, запись D-видео в формате Full HD, чувствительность ISO 100--6400, 11-точечная система автофокусировки и легкий корпус. Фантастический способ запечатлеть мгновения жизни с богатейшей детализацией. Длительность: 0:16
OPEN FOR LINKS, INFO, FAQ AND OTHER MAGICAL THINGS I TAG! xxmakeupiscoolxx itsalwayskristin krazyrayray madisenrosebeauty1 makeupgirl1122 heeythathyrmed makeupplusgigi itsmeabbeyc corrinsbeauty135 Questions: 1. One Holiday tradition? 2. Favorite part about the holidays? 3.What is one thing you are asking for? 4. Favorite Holiday food? 5. Red Lips or Green Eyeshadow? 6. Do you go crazy when decorating? 7.Do you go away for the holidays or stay home? 8. What was your all time favorite present? 9.Favorite winter scent? 11. Favorite Holiday song/movie? 12. What do the holidays mean to you 13.Favorite Starbucks Drink 14.Do you own an ugly christmas sweater?/Thoughts on ugly christmas sweaters 15.Favorite nail color 16. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Color? 17. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas? 18. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House? 19. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break? 20. Favorite Christmas Smell? 21. What's the weirdest gift you've ever received? 22.Have you ever made a snowman? 23. Do you believe in Santa? 24.favorite fashion trend 25.having any parties? 26.When do you take your christmas tree down? 27. Will your pets be participating in the holiday as well? Twitter! twitter.com Youtube! www.youtube.com Facebook Fan Page! www.facebook.com Tumblr! infinite-hopes-infinite-dreams.tumblr.com Instagram! @themakeupbydanielle Ask.Fm! (Ask Me Anything!) ask.fm Frequently Asked Questions! Boyfriend Tag? Maybe. He has personal reasons as <b>...</b> Длительность: 14:59
Just announced - the new D5200 has a couple of subtle but important upgrades. Let's compare it to the D3200 and D5100. When available, you can get it at DCW here: goo.gl Or at Adorama: goo.gl Or Amazon: goo.gl Длительность: 6:17
Скриншоты к видео Nikon D5200 is here! (vs D5100 & D3200)
If you like the video, "like" us for new videos, news and more @ www.facebook.com Wanaka New Zealand's Annual Urban DH race, part of the Wanaka Festival. This was my second ever Urban Downhill race, with the first being Lyttleton www.youtube.com Great event, with an electric atmosphere, technical track(albeit a little less than urban at times :) ) and all the boys/girls having a good time. The weather was a bit touch and go, but the luckily the rain came down hard just after the last rider crossed the line! I was racing, so this was Agata's first time behind the video camera, but she did an exceptional job of capturing the action, considering we only had time for a quick 30 second tutorial on shutter speeds, panning, DOF, lense selection and manual focusing! Shot on Nikon D3200 with kit 18-55mm, Sigma 80-300mm, Samyang 8mm Fish-eye, Go Pro HD, Go Pro HD2 and one bent tripod leg thanks to Mr. Over the bars :) Длительность: 4:28
Скриншоты к видео WANAKA Urban Downhill Mountain Bike race 2012
Daytime rolling shutter sample video for the Nikon D3200 at 1920x1080, 29.97fps. NOTE: This video has been recompressed by YouTube and thus may not fully represent the best quality that can be achieved with this camera. To see the original video, please visit our Nikon D3200 video page at the following URL: www.imaging-resource.com Длительность: 0:06
Скриншоты к видео Nikon D3200 / 1080 / 30fps / rolling shutter sample video
My lens had a zoom problem, it got a lot of stiffness around the 35mm either moving up or down this value. After detecting this problem I selected the manual focus so I could tweak the focus/zoom barrel and what I found was a lot of looseness. It could move from side to side causing the image to lose a lot of sharpness on the edges. I decided to disassemble the lens and fix the problem. This video shows some aspects of the solution to this problem and I hope it can help some of you guys fixing this sort of problems with these and other type of cheap lenses. PS: 1- You SHOULD USE GLOVES so you don't damage any circuitry or put dirt on the lenses (I didn't have any at home at the time though..); 2- The lenses have to be clean after fixing the problem, so It can provide the best image possible without any specks of dust, my lens had a little white plastic speck of glue that was manufacture inherent (after all this is kit lens, not a 2000€ lens!!!). You can use an air blower, a dust brush, optical paper, and a solution of methanol or isopropanol to clean your lenses. Длительность: 5:44
Скриншоты к видео NIKON LOOSE LENS PROBLEM (AF-S 18-55mm)