Aloha, Nipping on the heels of the 2013 SAG Awards (Which were a couple days ago) I was finally able to watch Lincoln and see what all the hub bub was about. Let me tell you, Daniel Day Lewis not only deserved all the nods from his peers for his performance in this film he very much deserved to win the award for Best Actor in a dramatic film... and he did. Aloha as always feel free to comment and subscribe Thank you -------------------------------------------------------------------- Find me on Facebook: Follow me on Twitter: Длительность: 8:35
Скриншоты к видео Movie Monday: Lincoln 2012 movie review
Please read the below, but if you liked the film then you can vote for it in the Fort William Mountain Festival Film Competition by clicking 'like' on the page here; 'When' hopes to illustrate how three average athletes find time in their already full schedules to train for, and participate in, mountain biking, running and rock climbing. What they have to sacrifice, what conflicts arise and how they manage them, how they balance different commitments and when they find time to do it all. Inspired by Corey Rich's "WHY" ( a short film documenting the motivation and drive of three top level athletes in kayaking, climbing, and mountain biking who push the boundaries of the sport whilst remaining inspirational, down to earth and becoming true role models, 'When' explores the other side of the coin. I wanted to document 'when' three people with extensive job and family commitments find the time to put significant time and effort into a sport; balancing training, with getting out and enjoying the sport itself, and with work/family/other commitments. Finding out what they sacrifice and when they find time to fit a training schedule into an already full life/work schedule. Truly every-day role models. I wanted to take the 'other side of the coin' idea further. Whilst WHY documented the extradordinary capabilities of the incredible Nikon D4, 'When' was filmed entirely on Nikon's ultra-capable entry level DSLR models (a D3200 and a D5100) and hopefully <b>...</b> Длительность: 16:42
Welcome to my new YouTube Channel where I'll be uploading videos on the latest technology news, reviews and unboxings of technology I've purchased as well as giveaways that'll be coming in the future. Thanks to TJ from MacAdvisor UK and Alex from iTechTriad for helping me out over the past few weeks and months. Go subscribe to them! Feel free to like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video and/or want to see more videos from me in the future! Got a video idea? Leave a comment, email me, or message me on Twitter Got any advice? Leave a comment, email me, or message me on Twitter Social links: Subscribe to me on YouTube: Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Instagram: Email me at: Thanks for watching! Длительность: 1:46
*Click on cog symbol below image to view in Full HD* After being marooned in Maisemore for several days when the A417 flooded, Dean Cox told me he decided to brave it and cycle in to Gloucester for some provisions. I held my breath recording this though when he nearly came to a stop. A local man was also watching parked beside me with his car engine running. Equipment Nikon D3200 Camera Nikon 18-55mm Vr lens Hoya HMC 52mm UV filter Nikon HB-33 Hood Nikon External Me-1 microphone Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod -- Without extra weight Kingston Memory Card SD HC 4GB Class (10) Settings 6.0MP HD 1080P 25. Audio Peugeot Diesel engine ticking over Flood water flowing across main road Cyclist pedaling through flood water Video is straight from the camera with no extra software used. Copyright Andy Sharpe Длительность: 1:16
Скриншоты к видео Cyclist Powers His GT Through Flood Water On The A417 30th November 2012
Pricing & Product Info: D3200: D3100: Get Paid Apps For Free: My Personal Website: Contact Me Follow Me on Twitter! Like Me on Facebook! For More Jailbreaking Content: Best Tech Deals (US) Best Tech Deals (UK): ---------------- My Video Gear: Magic Trackpad: Nikon D3100: 50mm f1.8 Lens: Sony XB500 Headphones: Editors Keys SL300 Mic: Audyssey Lower East Side Speakers: Длительность: 2:16
Скриншоты к видео Nikon D3200 DSLR Unboxing & Overview!
Welcome to Energon media's - Mike's Media Meltdown is back with news and a special un-boxing of a Nikon D3200. http check out The Gaming Forums website All video's created and owned by myself and my company. All copyright belongs to Energon Media. Длительность: 4:59
Скриншоты к видео Mike's Media Meltdown Nikon D3200 Un-boxing Special. 17th November 2012 Adorama Photography TV presents the Nikon D3200 24.2 Megapixels Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm NIKKOR VR Lens. If you are looking for an affordable, entry-level kit to get started with DSLR shooting, this is the camera for you. Join Rich as he walks you through the many features of this amazing camera such as an amazingly quiet shutter, the external microphone port, and a guided mode feature that helps you choose the right settings. Then, follow along as he goes through the very intuitive menu system. AdoramaTV features talented hosts including Mark Wallace, Gavin Hoey, Joe McNally, Joe DiMaggio, Tamara Lackey, Bryan Peterson, and Rich Harrington. Related Products Featured items from this episode AdoramaTV related episodes Learn More from the Adorama Learning Center Nikon D3200 24.2 Megapixels Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm NIKKOR VR Lens Ikelite 6801.32 Underwater Camera Housing Nikon EN-EL14 Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery Blue Crane Digital DVD: Introduction to the Nikon D3200 If you have questions, share them with us at: Длительность: 11:40
Скриншоты к видео Nikon D3200: Hands-On Overview: Adorama Photography TV