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воскресенье, 14 октября 2012 г.

Skate Art

Skate ArtVoici ma nouvelle vid
Длительность: 0:44

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Skate Art
Видео Skate Art Video Skate Art Skate Art

Nikon D3200 dslr deer video adobe after effects cs5.5 warp stabilizer

Nikon D3200 dslr deer video adobe after effects cs5.5 warp stabilizerImpromptu video shot when deer appeared in my backyard. The footage was extra shaky because my telephoto lens is heavy and I shot it hand-held (used VR vibration reduction and all that good stuff). Took about 3 days (about 36 hours) to warp-stabilize it through after effects cs5.5 (my mistake, processing in full 720p and 60fps and outputting as h264) on my 3.4 GHz quad-core ivy bridge and GTX 560 Ti, too much math. Either way, I'm really impressed with the warp stabilizer. However, I don't recommend using it to magically fix ALL your shaky shots. As the saying goes, get it right on camera the first time through. Post-production magic is a luxury and I obviously don't have it, you probably don't either. Use a tripod or get a real video camcorder.
Длительность: 2:00

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Nikon D3200 dslr deer video adobe after effects cs5.5 warp stabilizer
Видео Nikon D3200 dslr deer video adobe after effects cs5.5 warp stabilizer Video Nikon D3200 dslr deer video adobe after effects cs5.5 warp stabilizer Nikon D3200 dslr deer video adobe after effects cs5.5 warp stabilizer

Nikon D3200 Lens kit Video test

Nikon D3200 Lens kit Video testNs7FX
Длительность: 0:42

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Nikon D3200 Lens kit Video test
Видео Nikon D3200 Lens kit Video test Video Nikon D3200 Lens kit Video test Nikon D3200 Lens kit Video test
суббота, 13 октября 2012 г.

Nikon D3200 Lossiemouth Harbour test video

Nikon D3200 Lossiemouth Harbour test videoHey All! Just another test video from my brand new and very very good Nikon D3200 This is also a foreground into background focus test video. I hope you all enjoy the video and for Goodness sake WATCH IN 1080p! Enjoy :) I also plan to make a longer video including some parkour video clips and alot of wildlife shots :)
Длительность: 0:05

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Nikon D3200 Lossiemouth Harbour test video
Видео Nikon D3200 Lossiemouth Harbour test video Video Nikon D3200 Lossiemouth Harbour test video Nikon D3200 Lossiemouth Harbour test video

Outfits of the Week! Mid Octoberish

Outfits of the Week! Mid OctoberishOPEN FOR LINKS, INFO, FAQ AND OTHER MAGICAL THINGS Twitter! twitter.com Youtube! www.youtube.com Facebook Fan Page! www.facebook.com Tumblr! infinite-hopes-infinite-dreams.tumblr.com Instagram! @themakeupbydanielle Ask.Fm! (Ask Me Anything!) ask.fm Frequently Asked Questions! Boyfriend Tag? Maybe. He has personal reasons as to why he can't do it. One day we will! What Camera Do You Use? Sony Handycam HD-R Nikon D3200 Room Tour and Makeup Organization? Just made one! www.youtube.com FTC Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any companies mentioned in this video. All opinions are my own.
Длительность: 2:21

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Outfits of the Week! Mid Octoberish
Видео Outfits of the Week! Mid Octoberish Video Outfits of the Week! Mid Octoberish Outfits of the Week! Mid Octoberish
пятница, 12 октября 2012 г.

Nikon D3200 18-55mm Lens Kit - Unboxing

Nikon D3200 18-55mm Lens Kit - UnboxingUnboxing my new Camera the Nikon D3200 with the 18-55mm lens kit included. Can't wait to go back to Thailand and get some great shots with this. Sorry I have not had so many videos lately but as I have been researching new Cameras since my previous one I was using for Youtube broke, I have not been able to make any game unboxings or related videos but now with this we can get back to normal guys.
Длительность: 8:43

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Nikon D3200 18-55mm Lens Kit - Unboxing
Видео Nikon D3200 18-55mm Lens Kit - Unboxing Video Nikon D3200 18-55mm Lens Kit - Unboxing Nikon D3200 18-55mm Lens Kit - Unboxing

Lady Rock

Lady RockShort BTS video of a photosesion called Lady Rock. Collaboration with Marina Milcheva. Shot handheld on Nikon D3200 with Tamron 17-50/2.8 The Team: Petar Todorinski - Photographer/ Final Cut Editing Marina Milcheva - Art Direction/ Styling Liliana Stanailova - Model Pepa Stoyanova - Hair / Make up Special tanks to Creative Hall studio
Длительность: 1:52

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Lady Rock
Видео Lady Rock Video Lady Rock Lady Rock

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