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среда, 22 июня 2011 г.

Nikon Coolpix 3200 test

Nikon Coolpix 3200 testTesting out the new camera on a handing basket and flag on a windy night. Not much to this really.
Длительность: 0:30

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Nikon Coolpix 3200 test
Видео Nikon Coolpix 3200 test Video Nikon Coolpix 3200 test Nikon Coolpix 3200 test
понедельник, 20 июня 2011 г.

Test Canon 600D vs Nikon D5100

Test Canon 600D vs Nikon D5100To sum up, D5100 a bit better for photo, 600D way better for video (mainly because you have full manual on the Canon and the Nikon is only fully automatic) Se poate face film cu ele? Da, cu obiective bune si accesorii corespunzatoare (mai greu cu Nikonul fara reglaje manuale). Merita banii? Da -- mai ales Canon-ul pentru filmare. Calitatea imaginii? Buna, atat la foto cat si la video, mai ales la iso sub 1000. Pretul este similar, calitatea imaginii este cam la fel, obiectivul de kit este cam la fel de slab, cand ne uitam pe fisa tehnica in mare parca este dat copy-paste, este greu de gasit ceva care sa incline balanta intre cele doua camere. Ne intoarcem in mare la preferintele de brand, la argumente de gama de accesorii si periferice. La foto batalia este stransa si balanta se inclina usor spre Nikon. La video HD insa, castigatorul este clar Canon, din doua motive simple: control manual complet (video si audio) si mult mai usor de reglat (buton Q menu, buton iso, etc). Daca ar fi avut si o baterie mai mare, 60D era amenintat serios. Nikon a incarcat acest mic aparat cu o multime de functii pe care nimeni care se ia in serios nu le-ar folosi (gen filtre creative) si a ingropat reglajele in meniu. Autofocusul este inutilizabil, util poate doar in vacanta la mare cu focusul pe orizont, dar si acolo cred ca l-ar pierde; pentru video serios, focalizarea manuala ramane de baza. Iar faptul ca desi poti filma in orice mod, dar de fapt chiar si in modul M esti de fapt tot pe <b>...</b>
Длительность: 6:55

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Test Canon 600D vs Nikon D5100
Видео Test Canon 600D vs Nikon D5100 Video Test Canon 600D vs Nikon D5100 Test Canon 600D vs Nikon D5100

Sigma 8-16mm vs Nikon 10-24mm Side by Side Comparison and Review

Sigma 8-16mm vs Nikon 10-24mm Side by Side Comparison and Reviewwww.artoftheimage.com - Sigma 8-16mm vs Nikon 10-24mm Side by Side Comparison and ReviewCheck out the new Art of the Image Recommended Photography Gear List at http PS If you have kids or know someone with kids, check out my latest online book, "Diary of a Nerd King" at www.nerdkingdiary.com. It's funny and it's FREE! Please pass it along... thanks! PSS If you have toddlers or small children, check out http for my children's ebooks for Kindle, iPad, iPod, iPhone, laptops, etc! Please pass it along... thanks!
Длительность: 8:11

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Sigma 8-16mm vs Nikon 10-24mm Side by Side Comparison and Review
Видео Sigma 8-16mm vs Nikon 10-24mm Side by Side Comparison and Review Video Sigma 8-16mm vs Nikon 10-24mm Side by Side Comparison and Review Sigma 8-16mm vs Nikon 10-24mm Side by Side Comparison and Review
воскресенье, 19 июня 2011 г.

Nikon D5100 Review & Manual #1 (Thai)

Nikon D5100 Review & Manual #1 (Thai)www.shuttertv.net
Длительность: 17:03

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Nikon D5100 Review & Manual #1 (Thai)
Видео Nikon D5100 Review & Manual #1 (Thai) Video Nikon D5100 Review & Manual #1 (Thai) Nikon D5100 Review & Manual #1 (Thai)
воскресенье, 12 июня 2011 г.

Sony Alpha SLT-A35 CNet Review

Sony Alpha SLT-A35 CNet ReviewSony Alpha SLT-A35 CNet Review
Длительность: 3:37

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Sony Alpha SLT-A35 CNet Review
Видео Sony Alpha SLT-A35 CNet Review Video Sony Alpha SLT-A35 CNet Review Sony Alpha SLT-A35 CNet Review
среда, 1 июня 2011 г.

Nikon D3100 Full HD test

Nikon D3100 Full HD testFirst time testing the video quality on the D3100. I used the standard kitlens, the Nikkor AF-S DX 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G VR lens. Too bad the focus is more on the fence behind the rabbit than on the rabbit itself. It was filmed through the other side of the fence because else the rabbit would've attacked my camera and lens. I'm trying to learn how to manual focus, didn't really manual focus during this movie but do you guys have any tips how to learn it, since it's rather hard to see on the LCD while filming.
Длительность: 4:32

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Nikon D3100 Full HD test
Видео Nikon D3100 Full HD test Video Nikon D3100 Full HD test Nikon D3100 Full HD test

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