In this video we're presenting FOCAL Chorus 826V with Audiolab 8200CDQ CD player, DAC and PRE-amplifier and 8200MB monoblocks with 250W each; Speakers are connected with CHORD Signature speaker cables, Monoblocks with Chorus Reference RCA (waiting for Anthem XLR). Music is played via Amarra, MacBook connected with CHORD SilverPlus USB to NuForce U192S USB to S/PDIF converter which is connected with Audiolab 8200CDQ with CHORD Signature Digital cable. We're also using Hi-Fi Racks audio furniture and CA Electronics Ceramics Isolators. Mains cables: CHORD Power Chords, SUPRA MD06-EU Mark II Recorded with Nikon D3200 with built in microfone. Song: While I Look At You - Evie Sands Длительность: 4:41
Скриншоты к видео FOCAL Chorus 826V, Audiolab 8200CDQ, 8200MB, CHORD Signature, Chorus Reference - Sound
An introduction to my new web series where I discuss and show you the process of how I made my most recent short film "William's Wishes" (which you can find here: Both this vlog and the short film were filmed with a Nikon D3200, and this particular video used a 35mm 1.8G. The mic used was a very cheap meap, but placed close to my mouth. Длительность: 1:14
Скриншоты к видео Web series - Making a short film
Windows 8 is a massive change from Windows 7 and it is a more touch oriented operating system. If you're not sure if you should make the upgrade, watch the video. I hope it helped. Websites: Tech website: Blog ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other Channels Vloggs: Gaming: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Social: Contact: Twitter: Длительность: 2:57
Скриншоты к видео Should you upgrade to Windows 8?
A video/slideshow by Bruno Hamann of Deep Cut Gardens Park, Monmouth County, NJ in the fall of 2012. Special thanks to for background music. All photos taken with the Nikon D3200 DSLR camera. Lenses used were the Nikkor 18 - 55 mm and the Nikkor 55 - 200 mm. Длительность: 7:35
Nikon D3200 - Nikkor 35mm 1.8G Infrared Test A Nikkor 35mm AF-S 1.8G Infrared Modified D3200 Test I love the mic of D3200, picks up EVPs very well I hate the shakiness of higher focal length lenses on crop sensors. Длительность: 2:54
Скриншоты к видео Nikon D3200 - Nikkor 35mm 1.8G Infrared Test
Just a small 1280x720; 60fps test, video shot with Nikon D3200,(lense:Nikkor 80-200 2.8) edited with Adobe Premiere cs5, song made in garageband Длительность: 1:22
No copyright infringement intended. Film shot with academic purposes only. Song written and composed by Dave Grohl, Nate Mendel and Taylor Hawkins. Direcci Длительность: 3:48
Скриншоты к видео Foo Fighters - Gimme Stitches (Full HD)
Visit my website : A brief overview of the equipment I use in my 2 light portrait setup. This is only an overview of the basic equipment I use Which is easily available for those starting photography. Comments would be gratefully received. PhotoSel collapsible backdrop with black and white trains : 2.8mx 3m Studio backdrop support: (PMS) 2 x Continuous Lighting Kit 50x70cm Softbox Soft Box Photo Studio Set Light Bulbs Lamp 5500K Photography 50 x 70 cm Softboxes UK Plug: 43" 5 in 1 collapsible Reflector 110cm: Reflector Holder Arm Boom 80-170cm & Stand 80-200cm UK: Длительность: 1:40
Скриншоты к видео Basic two light studio photography setup guide
Made a rig out of some PVC pipes, screws, and nuts I found laying around in the garage and my room. Some part were shakey obviously because I was repositioning my grip lol. But this is a test run I did while riding my skateboard around my neighborhood. Длительность: 3:46
One of the Torch Relay Protection Group Motorbikes seen responding around Lambeth Roundabout after leaving Lambeth Police Station. I got a photo of this responding in the opposite direction into Lambeth Police Station a few minutes before. This video was filmed with a Nikon D3200 Длительность: 0:21
Скриншоты к видео Metropolitan Police - BMW R1200 Torch Relay Protection Group Motorbike Responding
Purchase Link: - AOC I2353PH Review Facebook Twitter Google+ In this video I take a look at the AOC I2353PH 23" IPS monitor for computers, game consoles and more. For less than $200 this is one of the best budget displays for gaming and more with an excellent design, wide viewing angles and built-in speakers. duncan33303 is a technology based YouTube channel that focuses on a wide variety of smartphones, tablets, game consoles as well as the weekly show D3Live. Video Gear: Nikon D3200 Camera: Nikon 50mm 1.8G Lens: Nikon 40mm 2.8G Micro Lens: MacBook Air 11" 2012: Blue Yeti Microphone: Zoom H1 Microphone: 2400 Watt Softboxes: Manfrotto 701HDV Fluid Video Head: Dolica AX620B100 Tripod: Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Headphones: Corel VideoStudio Pro X5: Subscribe! Merch Store! Channel Link Jailbreaking info Transcript Hey guys, this is Austin and today I'm here with a review of the AOC I253PH monitor. Excellent name aside, let's take a look at why I think this is such a great display. Immediately out of the box you'll see the design will look right at home on almost anyone's desk. The 23 inch display is surrounded by a fairly thin bezel and measures just 9.2mm thick. Thanks to this it's has an integrated base which is where you'll find your monitor controls as well as a pair of HDMI <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:59
Скриншоты к видео Best Monitor for $200? AOC I2353PH 23" IPS Review
An up-close look at Ikelite's new housing for the Nikon D800. This is a very economical choice for those of you looking to house your new camera. Offers control of all essential functions of your camera while underwater. Ikelite also offers a wide variety of ports for use of your favorite lens. The housing is made of a clear durable polycarbonate plastic so that you can actually see the camera while it is in the housing. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this housing. Длительность: 4:10
Скриншоты к видео Ikelite Nikon D800 Underwater Housing Review for the Nikon d800 Camera